You will need to ensure you are a user of the administration group (‘admin’) and that the adm group has sufficient access rights to the Samba configuration file (‘smb.conf’). What should I do?Ī: You do not have the necessary permissions. Q: When I open the web page I only see four boxes (Home, Status, View, Password) but none of these boxes give me the ability to configure Samba. How do I tell swat where to find the man pages?Ī: You don’t have to tell swat where they are you have to install them.
# description: SWAT is the Samba Web Admin Tool.
Insert the following text (borrowed from ): How to actually use Swat is outside the scope of this document, but is a good place to get started. Installing and running Samba is outside the scope of this document. In addition, a swat configuration page has help links to all the configurable options in the smb.conf file allowing an administrator to easily look up the effects of any change. From the swat man page: swat allows a Samba administrator to configure the complex smb.conf file via a Web browser.